The program Of
The place to crowd

The event is English speaking. For plenary conferences, you have access to headsets for translation from English to French.

8:30-9:45 Welcome coffee
9:45-10:20 Opening session
Florence de Maupeou, Executive director, FPF
Damien Guermonprez, president, FPF
10:30-11:20 European harmonisation of the regulation: what we should expect?

The European Crowdfunding Service Provider enter into force in November 2021. The European platforms have until the 10th of November 2023 to obtain the new license. Why this regulation is relevant for the capital market union? Will it galvanize the sector or enable just the strongest ones to survive? Is it the first step to more possibilities to the crowdfunding players?

* Charlie Perreau, Les Echos (moderator)
* Oliver Gadja, EUROCROWD
* Diego Valiante, European Commission
* Francesca Fiamma, ESMA

11:30-12:20 Crowdfunding and renewable energies in the time of the European market

Energy independence: tomorrow, all financiers, all producers?

* Christophe Connille, Youth in Finance (moderator)
* Coenraad de Vries, Startgreen & Oneplanetcrowd
* Laure Verhaeghe, Lendosphere
* Markus Schwaninger, Ecoligo

12:20-12:40 Keynote (French speaking)
Nelly Garnier, Conseillère régionale d’Île-de-France, Déléguée spéciale à la Smart region
12:40-14:00 LUNCH
14:00-14:50 Real estate: how crowdfunding is an answer to the sector expectations?

In lots of European countries, crowdfunding of real estate project represents the engine of the sector. Why such a success? How crowdfunding is useful of real estate developers?* Hugues Bouchetemble, Kramer Levin (moderator)
* Patrick Hartmann, Exporo
* Daniil Aal, Estate Guru
* Andrea Gentilini, Walliance
15:00-15:50 European regulation: opportunity or constraint?

How does the crowdfunding sector see this new regulation? Does it create new opportunities and business or a change of direction of existing platforms?

* Gaétan Pierret, L’AGEFI (moderator)
* Matthieu Lucchesi, Gide
* Alessandro Portolano, Chiomenti
* Andrea Milecova, Czech & Slovakia Crowdfunding Association

16:00-16:50 Crowdfunding in the age of sustainability

Investment and financing logics are no longer determined only by a return perspective examined in the light of the risk incurred. Added to this is a cross-cutting dimension, sustainability, which in many ways disrupts the usual and old mechanisms for allocating money. This observation leads to many reflections: – What are the expectations of the funding communities towards the crowdfunding platforms in terms of sustainability? – ESG, impact measure… how does crowdfunding fit into this dynamic? – How to implement sustainability into the governance, internal control and management within crowdfunding platforms?
* Bertrand Desportes, Mazars (moderator)
* Eva Sadoun, Lita
* Rotem Shneor, UIA
* Karim W. Oumoussa, Seedrs
17:00-17:50 Crowdfunding, which innovations tomorrow?

What will the market look like in 5 years? What will be the major innovations we have to expect? Are blockchain & cryptos the future of crowdfunding?* Reid Feldman, Kramer Levin (moderator)
* Damien Guermonprez, Lemonway
* Diane de Beaudrap, AngelHub
* Olivier Fliche, ACPR

Development in Europe: feedbacks

Having the ECSP license was the first step; how did you manage your « Europeanization »? What were the difficulties?

* Philippe Portier, Jeantet (moderator)
* Thorsten Seeger, October Germany
* Koen The, Lendahand
* Eric Bartha, Seedblink
* Marta Lozano, Crowdcube

12:30-14:00 LUNCH

Taxation in a European context by 

How to manage flows between the parent company and the branch? How to deal when fundraising is structured through SPVs?
Cross-views of players and tax practitioners.

* François-Xavier Simeoni, Jeantet (moderator)
* Gabriel Di Chiara, Jeantet >> France
* Francisco Lavandera, Garrigues >> Spain
* Alexandra Clouté, Arendt & Medernach >> Luxembourg
* Anton Akimov, AKD Benelux law firm >> the Netherlands


The crowdfunding secondary market: myth or reality?

What are the experiences of secondary market in crowdfunding sector? Does the European regulation will galvanise it with the bulletin board? What are the issues in terms of cost and regulation?

* Hubert de Vauplane, Kramer Levin (moderator)
* Julien Hostache, Enerfip
* Tommaso Baldissera, CrowdFundMe
* Guido Sandler, Bergfürst
* Charles Moussy, AMF


Combining crowdfunding with European Funds

The development of crowdfunding presents an opportunity for ESIF Managing Authorities (MAs) to leverage on these platforms to channel resources towards segments of the market that are currently not covered by traditional financing players, but that are pivotal for the economic and social development of the European Union. The crowdfunding: a tool of galvanization and democratization on a territory.

* Ronald Kleverlaan, MKB Financiering (moderator)
* Davide Bazzini, municipality of Milan
* Karsten Wenzlaff, Digital Invest Germany

10:30-11:20 Identify and deal with the risks in crowdfunding
by An interactive session to discuss the state of financial crime in crowdfunding and what platform providers can do to identify and mitigate financial crime risks across the crowdfunding lifecycle. * Alia Mahmud, ComplyAdvantage
* Andrew Davies, ComplyAdvantage
11:30-12:20 Technology in crowdfunding: how to improve the user experience?

What crowdfunding platforms use to run their businesses? How technology can be a competitive advantage? Does the new regulation affect the user experience or create opportunities?

* Konstantin Boyko, LenderKit (moderator)
* Clément Boulais, True Layer
* Vincent Chatelain, Lemonway
* Maxime Gely, October

12:30-14:00 LUNCH
14:00-14:50 Is the crowd too expensive to manage? Which role for institutional investors?

Platforms have progressively shifted their focus to institutional investors, raising large sums of liquidity instead of pursuing their quest for retail investors. Why? Is the crowd a showstopper for scaling? Is the crowd only a way to kickstart a lending activity before being able to get large liquidity amount from funds or banks? What are the distribution channels for crowdfunding offers?

* Guillaume Goffin, Gide (moderator)
* Loïc Le Pichoux, Klear
* Clément JEANMAIRE, Tikehau capital
* Charles-Alexandre Peretz, Anaxago


15:00-15:50 Investor’s protection: the best practices

Crowdfunding addresses retail investors. How the sector ensures a protection of individuals? What are the best practices and advices?

* Thérèse Torris, Crowdfund insider (moderator)
* Marie Robin, Jeantet
* Jelmer Baukema, Van Doorne
* Ladislas Manset, Pono
* Marine Krasovska, Bank of Latvia

16:00-16:50 How to scale your startup? What are the main intern transformations?

How to deal with your growth and the increase of your headcount? What’s the idea behind recruiting and intern transformation while scaling?

* Chiara Padua, Fintech District (moderator)
* David El Nouchi, Clubfunding
* Arnaud Burgot, Ulule
* Martins Sulte, Mintos

17:00-17:50 Emergence of crowdfunding in the Africa

Crowdfunding continues to gain ground in Africa. The establishment of regulatory frameworks adapted to the sector in certain countries testifies to its great potential for the economic development of entrepreneurs and small businesses.

* Mouna Aoun, FPF (moderator)
* Eryomi Aholoukpe, Demleen
* Michel Kaluszynsky, FPAM
* Pépin Ilonga, Ph.D. Candidate from the University of Mons

